Jeff McGuire

07/02/2023 | In Memoriam | National

Okaiawa Volunteer Fire Brigade advises of the passing of Life Member Jeff McGuire on 3 February 2023. Jeff was a Fire Fighter and Brigade Secretary. Jeff will be buried at the Okaiawa Cemetery on Tuesday 7 February 2023 at 1pm.

Understanding our role in Readiness and Recovery: Waiharara/Kaimaumau Recovery Research and Hawke’s Bay Recovery Team Pilot Evaluation released

26/01/2023 | Community engagement | Te Ūpoko (previously Region 3), Te Hiku (previously Region 1), National

Traditionally, Fire and Emergency has concentrated on risk reduction and response activities. With the adoption of the widely recognised approach to emergency management: the 4Rs of reduction, readiness, response and recovery, the readiness and recovery parts are still relatively new to the organisation.

Bill Rackham

24/01/2023 | In Memoriam | National

Paeroa Volunteer Fire Brigade advise the passing of CFO Bill Rackham (QSM) on Sunday 22 January 2023. Bill joined the brigade on 27 September 1967 and has served as CFO for over 32 years.