Seeking members for new Auckland Local Advisory Committee
As part of Fire and Emergency’s journey towards having a Local Advisory Committee (LAC) in every area across the motu, recruitment is underway for members of our new Auckland LAC.
As part of Fire and Emergency’s journey towards having a Local Advisory Committee (LAC) in every area across the motu, recruitment is underway for members of our new Auckland LAC.
On Sunday, seven Incident Management Team members will travel to Canada to assist with their wildfire response in British Columbia.
Earlier this month, Counties Manukau Community Readiness and Recovery (CRR) team organised a volunteer training day at Paerata School, near Pukekohe.
Planning is underway for a coordinated response to severe weather expected across much of the country later this week.
Help is available to anyone at Fire and Emergency who needs it during this severe weather event.
February is Auckland Pride Month, and Fire and Emergency will be celebrating by joining the Auckland Rainbow Parade on 18 February.
Traditionally, Fire and Emergency has concentrated on risk reduction and response activities. With the adoption of the widely recognised approach to emergency management: the 4Rs of reduction, readiness, response and recovery, the readiness and recovery parts are still relatively new to the organisation.
On 18 December 2021, Fire and Emergency was called to a vegetation fire in Waiharara, Northland. Since that afternoon we have been working alongside the Department of Conservation, our forestry partners, NZDF, Ngai Takoto iwi and the Kaimaumau community to contain the fire and prevent any loss of life or damage to property.
On 25 August, Fire and Emergency responded to a vegetation fire started by the hot exhaust of a car that drove through long grass in a paddock adjoining Taiharuru Road, Whangarei. Initially a response of two pumps and a water tanker from three stations, Whangarei Heads, Onerahi and Hikurangi were dispatched.
SFF Logan Martin and his crew at Henderson Fire Station hosted singer/ventriloquist Emily Cuff and her puppet friend Violet for a segment called “Emily and Violet” on TVNZ children's programme What Now.