Vern Niko

19/11/2021 | In Memoriam | National

Laingholm Brigade advises of the passing of ex-firefighter Vern Niko. Vern served in the Laingholm Brigade from September 2006 until April 2013. Owing to Covid restrictions his funeral service has had to be restricted to close family members only.

UFBA Kōrero Series

17/11/2021 | Event | National

Kōrero means a conversation. This is precisely what Fire and Emergency’s ELT aims to have with our volunteers at this Thursday’s Kōrero session.

Barry Gibson

12/11/2021 | In Memoriam | National

Te Kei Region Office, Otago District and Dunedin Fire Brigade advise the passing of Barry Gibson, ex Principal Fire Risk Manager, longtime Fire Risk Management Officer and Station Officer from Dunedin Brigade and Te Kei. Barry started his service in 1972 completed over 44 years.