Payment of a family/whānau allowance of $50 per night (before tax) is available for volunteers for Fire and Emergency approved formal training or any other non-emergency activity when away overnight or longer. This payment acknowledges the role of families/whānau. This payment is an addition to any reimbursements for loss of employment income or dependent care costs.

Also, the volunteer loss of income and other expenses policy has been updated increasing reimbursement for some dependent care costs. This means you can now claim the full loss of income for your partner if they need to take time off work while you are at training and the policy allows reimbursement of actual costs of a third party carer. We are also providing for pre-payment in cases of hardship.

Definition of family/whānau

Family/whānau includes children; a spouse or person living in a recognised de-facto relationship; a parent or other relative such as grandparent or grandchild; and the equivalent relations by marriage or recognised de-facto relationship.

How to claim

Complete the family/whānau allowance payment line on the Volunteer loss of income and other costs claim form or use the guide below which explains how to claim for other dependent care costs. 

These forms are normally available from your trainer or you can print them as needed.

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