Fakaalofa atu! This week is Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue - Niue Language Week. 

The theme for this year is ‘Fakatūleva e Vagahau Niue mo e Tau Aga Fakamotu ma e Tau Atuhau’, which means ‘Sustain Niue Language and Culture for Future Generations.’ 

Vagahau Niue has been registered with UNESCO as an endangered language, making it even more vital to preserve and sustain the language and culture for future generations. 

Try using some everyday Vagahau Niue phrases this week such as: 

Fakaalofa atu – Hello/Hi/Greetings 

Monuina e pogipogi – Good morning 

Fakamolemole - Please 

Fakaaue Lahi oue tulou – Thank you 


We can all do our bit to support and sustain the Niuean language and culture in Aotearoa New Zealand – Manaakitanga. 

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