Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) – 2023 October Examinations
It is getting close to the time to apply for the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) – 2023 October examinations.
It is getting close to the time to apply for the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) – 2023 October examinations.
We recently introduced the Kotahitanga Community Engagement Framework - a simple, practical tool that has been designed to enhance the mahi our people are already doing and make our engagement activities easier, more efficient, and more effective.
In March 2023, Fire and Emergency Board appointed 19 new members to six of our seven Local Advisory Committees (LACs) in Northland, Tairāwhiti, Hawke’s Bay, Marlborough, West Coast and Otago. In addition, the Fire and Emergency Board agreed to Fire and Emergency standing up nine further LACs next year.