Today I am pleased to announce we are partnering with Fair Way | Kia Tau to deliver an independent service for enquiries and complaints. This is a major milestone in changing how we manage complaints and addressing the issues raised in the Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission review released in December 2022.

The new service will replace the BCO and it will work differently. When it launches, you will be able to access Fair Way’s services to raise issues, seek advice and make a complaint. Fair Way will assess and triage initial issues and determine the next steps independently of Fire and Emergency. They will also manage complex cases, including sexual harm.

Fair Way were selected as part of a competitive procurement process, during which we received 9 responses to our RFP. They are experienced providers of complaints management services, providing similar services to other large Government agencies.

We have not bought an ‘out of the box’ solution and we are currently collaborating with Fair Way on the detailed design of the service. This includes planning what the service will look and feel like for our people, ensuring new internal processes are developed and in place, updating existing processes, determining what training is required, working through any issues that might arise and ensuring that as far as possible, the new service will meet the needs of our people.

When the ‘Go-Live’ date for the new service is confirmed, we will let you know.

Alongside our work with Fair Way, we are also working internally to ensure our people, including people leaders and decision-makers, can fulfil their roles as the new service and operating model rolls out. Training for key people will be delivered early in the new year.

I will keep you updated as work progresses. It is important to us that we take the time to get this right. We know that makes it challenging for people who have an issue they need to raise now.

While we are still in the process of standing up the new service, we encourage you to use the BCO. Wherever possible, the BCO is being managed in line with the principles of the new model. For anyone currently in a process with the BCO, work on your cases will continue uninterrupted.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the process so far. You have made an important contribution to the new operating model. To find out more about the new model visit our Portal page or download the decision document [PDF, 476 KB].

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