Our Minister visits our National Coordination Centre
Our Minister, Hon Brooke van Velden, popped into the National Coordination Centre at NHQ this morning to get a view of what goes on in the Centre.
Coincidentally, the visit came at a time when the NCC was in monitoring mode for the South Island Severe Weather event on the West Coast.
The Minister was shown around by our Chief Executive Kerry Gregory and Deputy National Commander Brendan Nally. With assistance from our National and International Response Manager, Ian Duncan, Senior Advisor Deployments, Glenn Thompson, and National Advisor Coordination Centres, Shaun Cosgriff, she was given a rundown on how the NCC works.
The Minister chatted to Mirren Allan and Silvia Matonse from the Community Readiness and Recovery team, and Jackie Maher of the Media Team, who were rostered on for the severe weather event. The Minister was very interested in the technology we use at the NCC, and how that links to the rest of the organisation and other agencies. Hamish McEwen and Phil Woods of the Data and Analytics team then demonstrated the work they started during TC Gabrielle, and continue to do on the Common Operating Platform, and how it will benefit emergency management response in the future.
In preparation for the severe weather event, plans are in place based on the weather forecast. Our Regional Coordination Centres in Christchurch and Dunedin have been activated.
Both Regional Coordination Centres have prepositioned resources forward to key areas, to respond when required, including two volunteer crews, a command unit, specialist water response teams, and a USAR rapid damage assessment team. We are working very closely with Civil Defence Emergency Management Groups in affected areas.
L to R: Kerry Gregory, Brendan Nally, Minister van Velden, Ian Duncan
Minister van Velden chatting to Mirren Allan and Silvia Matonse
Ian Duncan showing the Minister our technology
The team at NCC with the Minister, Brendan Nally, and Kerry Gregory