We have added two new case studies to our Feederlines series which features specific incidents or themes aimed at helping with continuous improvement in our operational response.

The Feederlines series is developed by Des Hosie, our National Response Capability Advisor and Safety, Continuous Improvement and Lessons Management Lead. It invites operational personnel to think about how they would deal with a similar situation using their own training, knowledge and experience, and resources at hand.

The two new case studies are ‘Live Power Lines Across Vehicle ‘which covers an incident where power lines had fallen across the rear of a car that had collided with a power pole and landed in a ditch and ‘Pump Operation Injuries and Near Misses’ covering incidents of near-misses and injuries that have occurred over the last 12 months with a root cause in pump operation.

The Feederlines series is on the Portal listed in alphabetical order.


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