Our people who are deployed internationally now have new kit bags with fit for purpose equipment to meet their needs in the wide range of environments they are sent to.

Craig Monrad, Acting National and International Response Manager, said they are a robust luggage bag with wheels containing a day pack, first aid kit, and a laundry bag. 

‘The day bag is a small backpack that can be used for items such as insect spray and sunblock, warm clothing and rain jacket and so on as well as snacks and maybe a lunch or meal – things to get someone through the day. 

‘Each kit bag has an identification number as do the contents inside the bag and our people can track their issued kit via these identification numbers. Inside the kit bag there’s a QR code at the bottom so if there’s a fault or items missing, our people can scan the QR and report the fault. 

‘To simplify the deployment process, personnel who are being deployed can collect the bags from their local District Office and return them when finished.’ 

Craig said the kit bags are a welcome addition to Fire and Emergency and provide all our people with easy access to equipment that can support them when they are deployed. 

‘This investment in equipment creates a unified and professional image of Fire and Emergency and New Zealand when deploying to international emergencies.’ 

Fourteen kit bags have been allocated to each District and are available from now on to personnel who are deployed to future emergencies such as the New South Wales floods in late 2022.

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