Exciting new platform for library services
Te Ao Mārama is changing the library management system Fire and Emergency uses for Library Services at National Headquarters.
Library Services has now transitioned to a new platform - Koha(external link)
Koha is the first open-source integrated library system in the world. It is a modern, adaptable, future-proof system. It’s modern, adaptable and future-proof. Being open-source means that Koha is customisable to the changing needs of the library, responsive to mobile screen sizes and committed to ongoing improvement.
Developed in New Zealand by Catalyst, Koha is easier to use for both administrators and end-users than the previous system. It comes with a single sign-on function, making it easier for everyone to access the library database. Koha is also bi-lingual and can swap between English and Te Reo Māori with a click of a button.
"It's an exciting time for the Te Ao Mārama team. Koha is intuitive, provides access to a wide range of resources and will improve user experience significantly," says Maki Tumu, Coordinator Te Ao Mārama, Strategy and Performance.
The library provides access to New Zealand and international sources and is accessible to all Fire and Emergency personnel.
Take a look at the new system here(external link). There is also a user guide available by request.
If you have any questions, contact us at library@fireandemergency.nz