On Wednesday last week, Kerry released a proposal for change to the way the People Branch is structured. Consultation is open to the Branch and all of Fire and Emergency New Zealand, including volunteers, to give their feedback on proposals for how the Branch could be organised differently to support the delivery of Kerry's organisation priorities.

The proposed new design is the result of engagement across the Branch and the wider organisation over the past four months. It also incorporates other work done in parts of the Branch previously to deliver service improvements to our organisation.

The project has been named People Branch Reset. This reflects the goal of not just focusing on structure, but on enabling new ways of working, greater role clarity and clearer pathways for the wider organisation to access the Branch’s all-important services.

Seven directorates are proposed, including some new ones. The proposed design suggests bringing together like functions such as recruitment services into one directorate. It also elevates areas such as Safety, Health and Wellbeing and a new business partnership model, to directorate level.

You can hear Kerry talk more about what’s proposed, alongside Acting DCE, Melly Andrew, in the VC presentation to the Branch(external link).

The full consultation document, feedback form and supporting information is provided on the change proposal Portal Page. You can have your say on the proposal by making a submission or giving general feedback.

Consultation is open until 4pm on 30 September and all and everyone’s input is welcomed by Kerry.

Any questions? Contact: PeopleBranchResetConsultation@fireandemergency.nz

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