R1-072/2019: Area 3 Waitemata Area 4 Auckland City Area 5 Counties-Manukau - RESPONSIBILITIES OF STAFF WITH PERSONAL ISSUE MASKS

12/07/2019 | Audience: All firefighters | Status: For Information | Te Hiku (previously Region 1) | Area 3 Waitemata, Area 4 Auckland City, Area 5 Counties-Manukau



Career personnel are to remove the standard issue mask (keeping it contained within mask bag) and ensure it is easily accessible on the appliance in a dry, known location for other personnel to use should it be needed.

R1-065/2019: Area 3 Waitemata - Area 3 Placements

21/06/2019 | Audience: Career firefighters only | Status: For Information | Te Hiku (previously Region 1) | Area 3 Waitemata

Area 3 Placements are:

 Te Atatu Brown                           SFF Brennan
Henderson Green                         FF Matafeo
Western Brown reliever               SFF Brain
Western Red reliever                    SFF Kinsella
Glen Eden Green                           FF Stockman
Henderson Brown                         FF Cleverdon
Area Reliever Green                      QFF Scott

Congratulations to all applications. Start dates to be advised.