R1-021/2019: Area 3 Waitemata Area 4 Auckland City Area 5 Counties-Manukau - Area 3 AAM Secondment Opportunity

07/03/2019 | Audience: All Personnel | Status: For Information | Te Hiku (previously Region 1) | Area 3 Waitemata, Area 4 Auckland City, Area 5 Counties-Manukau

Expressions of Interest. AAM Secondment development opportunity

Area 3 ( Waitemata ) is calling for expressions of interest to cover a short term absence. It is expected the secondment period will be for 6 weeks but may be subject to change by agreement.

R1-157/2018: Area 3 Waitemata - Health, Safety and Wellbeing representatives

14/12/2018 | Audience: All Personnel | Status: For Information | Te Hiku (previously Region 1) | Area 3 Waitemata

Health Safety and Wellbeing representatives


Following on from the last Area Health, Safety and Wellbeing meeting (December 2018), I made the observation that the Station representatives are really performing at a high level.   These are your representatives and they are proactively bringing problems and solutions to the meetings.