An annual employer event is a great way for you to thank the employers for supporting your brigade. These can be stand-alone events or you might want to invite your employer along to a gold star or another celebration event.

Here’s some ways we can help you with an event:


We provide funding from $500–$850 based on the number of employers you are inviting. To apply for funding, complete the expense form.

Framed certificates

We will provide certificates and frames for you to assemble to give to employers.

Send a list of the businesses to receive gift certificates to Please let us know four weeks in advance and provide a secure address so we can organise delivery.

We will send the frames directly to the address you supply. Regional headquarters will send the certificates direct to the brigade leader for signing. 


Resources for hosting an employer event

Here are an invitation template and speech notes [DOC, 289 KB] you may wish to use for your event.

The Volunteer Attraction Toolkit pages contain some useful tips for holding events at your station. See Hold a successful open day and Tips for making your guests welcome.

Register your employer

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