What is a policy or procedure and other information types?


Sets out the high-level behavioural rules to standardise what personnel do and don’t do. Includes the requirements of relevant legislation. Policies must be followed by personnel and compliance is to be enforced by management.


Additional information, that may include reference material for more complex topics, to help the user complete tasks and make decisions.


The guiding principles, generic framework, and specifications surrounding a particular practice, e.g. Industry Standard, technical specifications, rural standards. They indicate the minimum acceptable standard and must be followed.


A series of activities that take place over time and have an identifiable purpose or result.
A process usually involves more than one person (role) and tells the user what happens, but lacks the level of detail to perform tasks.



Describes the required actions to follow or considerations that must be made when attending operational incidents or completing operational activities.


Step-by-step instructions detailing how to perform a process stage. A procedure:

  • follows a sequence of steps
  • has a single purpose or overall outcome or result
  • generally involves a single person (role)
  • describes how to do something, in enough detail for a reader to follow the instructions and complete the task
  • can normally take place over a single ‘work session’.


A tool to collect information in a standard format.


Tools assist users to complete activities, e.g. template documents, calculator, checklist, schedule.


Comprehensive information to increase understanding of a topic and provide specific instruction, e.g. a technical manual providing specific instruction for the correct use and maintenance of specific equipment.

System guide

Step-by-step instructions detailing how to use a system. Tells the user what to enter into the relevant screens.

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