The Positive Workplace Culture programme has been underway since April 2019 and the latest six month progress report is now available.

This is our sixth progress report, covering the reporting period November 2021 – April 2022. View the report(external link)

Since our last report, we’ve continued to progress our mahi to address the 33 recommendations made in the review by retired Judge Coral Shaw.

In October 2021, we started our transition to the permanent Behaviour and Conduct Office. In the past six months that transition has continued with the ongoing development of systems, processes and reporting tools, alongside engagement activities to raise awareness and build understanding of the Office and its functions among our people.

We also commissioned KPMG to conduct an independent assessment of the Behaviour and Conduct Office to provide us with assurance we were on the right track. Some improvement opportunities were identified by the review, and we’ve responded to most of these already. The remaining items are on track to be addressed in the near future. You can read a copy of the review and its recommendations on our website(external link).

The launch of Fire and Emergency’s permanent Dispute Resolution Scheme was another important milestone met this reporting period. The Scheme exists to ensure that our volunteers, and people within the communities we serve, have an independent and transparent process to use to resolve disputes if they have lodged a complaint with Fire and Emergency and are not happy with the outcome. It was established following extensive consultation with our people and a robust procurement process, which saw the Independent Complaint and Review Authority (ICRA) appointed to administer the Scheme. Find out more about the Scheme and when it can be used on the ICRA website(external link).

This is the final six-month report at the conclusion of the 36-month reporting period recommended in retired Judge Coral Shaw’s review. Collectively the reports demonstrate the significant mahi that has taken place to improve the experiences of our people in the workplace. We have come a long way since we first brought together 40 different organisations with different cultures, values, and ways of working. We have achieved much and made significant strides towards developing a unified, positive workplace culture for all. However, while this is the final report, it does not mean our work stops, or that our journey is over. Creating lasting and meaningful culture change takes time, ongoing commitment, and sustained focus.

This 3-year mark is, however, a good time for us to formally assess our positive workplace culture progress to date and, as we’ve previously advised, our Board Chair, Rebecca Keoghan, has requested Te Kawa Mataaho Public Service Commission undertake this work. You can read more about the Review, which is currently underway, here.

Of course, our culture also depends, to a large degree, on the actions of each of us.  We all have a critical role to play in building the kind of workplace we want to be part of, a workplace where everyone is safe, welcome, respected and included. Thank you for your ongoing support and for participating in this mahi in such a constructive way.

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