035/2021: Updates to SMART applications
Please ensure all personnel are aware of recent changes to the SMART applications – including an update to SMART Map, and a newly created tool, SMART Change.
Please ensure all personnel are aware of recent changes to the SMART applications – including an update to SMART Map, and a newly created tool, SMART Change.
This week has seen the start of the MedPro vaccination hubs for Group 2 first and co-responders at different locations across the country. MedPro have several hubs across Te Hiku over the coming weeks, you can find the location of hubs including dates and times on the Portal(external link).
Please refer to notice R1-028/2021 Radio Congestion Trail(external link) for the background
Collaborative engagement:
The trial timeframe was agreed to commence 22 March and finish 22 May unless otherwise stated. The trial will continue in its current configuration for another two weeks.
Below is a precis of text (italics) and a link to the schedule as e mailed today. You may wish to retain the link to the Portal Covid page as it will be updated as MedPro develops the schedule further. We acknowledge the frustration at all levels.
The following vacancies exist for existing Officers and Firefighters wishing to transfer across Area’s 3, 4, and 5.
Note this update to National Notice 029/2021: Product recall - antimicrobial filter
As per Notice R1-047-2021, please ensure that the attached Evaluation From is completed in conjunction with any hose tested using the Pilot Procedure. Completed forms to be emailed to AAM Sosich for collation.
Air Purifying Respirators (APRs) are to be removed from operational appliances immediately and are not to be used by operational crews until further notice.
Note that Fire and Emergency New Zealand has received notice from the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union Incorporated (NZPFU) initiating bargaining for a collective employment agreement under the Employment Relations Act 2000.