013/2019: Pressure testing of hoses
Pressure testing of all hoses is to stop immediately until further notice.
Pressure testing of all hoses is to stop immediately until further notice.
The National Recruitment Team would like to advise staff who may have friends or family interested in joining FENZ that there is a Practice and Information day on Saturday 8th June at Auckland City Station/Region Headquarters - 40 Pitt Street, Auckland.
Area Manager Murray Binning is on annual leave from Saturday 1 June 2019 and returns on Monday 15 July 2019. Assistant Area Manager John Booth will be the Acting Area Manager for the Waitemata Fire Area from Tuesday 4 June until Friday 28 June 2019.
At all hazmat and structure fire calls including calls to private fire alarms, Level 2 PPE is to be worn by all members of the operational crew including the pump operator/driver. The Level 1 wildfire jacket is not appropriate PPE at hazmat, structure and PFA calls.
Since arriving in the Waitemata Fire Area and visiting crews on station I have been concerned about our uniform dress standards. I have always believed that we should all have pride in our uniform and should always present to the public in the most positive way.
All meetings will commence at 1000hrs at the cluster SSO station.
Officers to program meetings into SMS. SSO’s please coordinate appliance movements for these meetings. Agenda to follow.
Expressions of interest: Existing FENZ personnel Areas 3, 4, 5- AUCKLAND BOOT CAMP 2. 0 TRAINING ASSISTANTS/MENTORS
Leading into the next career recruitment round we are trialling a second 8-week strength and conditioning programme (boot camp) to assist potential applicants prepare for the upcoming Physical Pre-Entry Test.
This notice is to remind all Waitemata Fire Area personnel of Fire and Emergency's policy on the transportation of BA cylinders in vehicles.
An update to our response to increased wear being found on some Aluminium Trussed Rescue Ladders.
High Performance CPR. What is it and how does it affect us
High Performance CPR is a revised way of performing resuscitation. It provides a standardised approach to roles, choreography and language between the services.