Upcoming Technology Interruptions
Date: 22nd, 23rd, 24th November
What is it?
Fire and Emergency’s ICT team will be making essential updates to our core network operations by configuring and installing new switching devices at the Wellington datacentre.
The temporary outage(s) have been scheduled to start from 4pm on Friday 22 November until end of day Sunday 24 November.
On Friday between 4-5pm, ICT will move all technology services to our secondary site in Auckland. This move will interrupt access to systems for 3 to 15 minutes.
On Saturday and Sunday between 8am-5pm there will be brief outages to systems lasting 2 to 3 minutes as ICT cut-over technology to the new switching devices.
Need help?
If personnel experience any issues with applications and services outside of these outage windows, please call the IT Service Desk on 0800 374 843 option 1, alternatively email: ITSupport@fireandemergency.nz