Our new Type 5 Large and Type 6 Aerial appliances have now arrived at R. A. Bell in Brisbane, Australia for their body build.

R.A. Bell will inspect the trucks and begin work on finalising their designs.

The Type 5 Large will eventually go to Auckland (Parnell Station) and the Type 6 to Hamilton (Hamilton City Station).

The three new Type 5 Medium trucks arrived at Fraser Engineering last month; they continue to inspect and work on finalising their designs before beginning to build the body and lockers.

The stations that will be receiving these appliances once they are built are Wellington (Thorndon Station), Christchurch (Christchurch City Station) and Dunedin (Dunedin City Station).

Work is underway to finalise the detailed designs of lockers, layouts, and equipment with the project team working closely with a representative from each of the five stations. The project is keen to ensure there is consistency in design and capability across all three variants, where possible.

In other news, we are pleased to announce that we now have an Aerial Training team to assist us in the rollout of the five new Aerial appliances:

  • Aerial Training Coordinator – Toby Kerr
  • Aerial Region Trainers:
    • Adam Wright – Auckland (Te Hiku)
    • Nick Eggleston – Hamilton (Ngā Tai ki te Puku)
    • Kerry Hiku – Wellington (Te Ūpoko)
    • Steve Gallagher – Christchurch (Te Ihu)
    • Ant O’Neill – Dunedin (Te Kei)

The team will now start meeting regularly to work on their training plan.

If you have any feedback to provide to the project about the builds or anything relevant, please contact either your Region’s Aerial Project Representative (under Reference Group) or the project’s email address aerialprocurement@fireandemergency.nz.




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