Thank you for having your say
Thank you to everyone who took a few minutes to share your experiences in our latest ‘your say’ people survey.
The organisation-wide findings are now available on the Portal. A high-level summary is available below or more detailed results are available on the survey results page.
Our latest survey focused on People experience and leadership capability. It’s been 12 months since we last surveyed on this topic and since then we’ve delivered some significant pieces of work to help make improvements in this area.
- We’ve launched Speak Safe @ Fair Way, Te Tikanga Whanonga | Our Code of Conduct and our Bullying, Harassment and Victimisation policy.
- We’ve delivered a range of initiatives to better support people leaders, recognising the critical role they play in our culture. These include the Volunteer Brigade Leader development and review processes and updating our Volunteer Executive Officer course to increase its focus on leadership.
- We’ve delivered workshops with people leaders to support them to address inappropriate behaviour, facilitate difficult conversations, and lead effective teams.
- We’ve delivered our leadership development programmes to more than 3,600 people.
- We’ve improved how we select people for leadership roles to make sure our leaders have the right blend of people management skills, team leadership experience and a deep understanding of our values and culture.
Key measures
Two key measures are included in every pulse survey:
- For the measure ‘I would recommend Fire and Emergency as a great place to work or volunteer’ 80% of respondents were favourable (agree or strongly agree).
- For the measure ‘I enjoy working or volunteering at Fire and Emergency’ 86% of respondents were favourable (agree or strongly agree).
- For these topline numbers, we have seen a decrease for both employees and volunteers on the ‘I enjoy’ measure. While it remains high, with overall 81% of our people being positive, this is a trend we need to pay close attention to.
- The other topline measure ‘I would recommend’ continues to increase, with the favourability improvement driven by employees.
When we look at what drives these two measures there a couple of key areas we can improve.
Based on the findings, two of the key areas where we can positively impact these measures are through:
- improving the training and development opportunities available to our people
- ensuring Fire and Emergency has an inclusive and positive culture, where we are all accountable for the actions and decisions we make.
As an immediate action, these results will feed into organisation-wide programmes of work already underway including the Eke Taumata programme(external link) – to create a positive culture - and the Leadership Development team(external link)’s mahi.
Other findings
- For the whole organisation, responses to all questions were more favourable compared with last year’s survey.
- For employees, there was a 15% increase in positive responses to the statement ‘Fire and Emergency has a positive and inclusive culture’ and a 10% increase in positive responses to the statement ‘The person I report to provides feedback which assists me in my role’.
- For volunteers, all responses increased in favorability except for responses to the statement ‘I would recommend Fire and Emergency as a great place to work or volunteer’.