The National Risk Reduction Directorate is undertaking a comprehensive review of our ‘P3’ documents that govern Fire Investigations and reporting processes. This review aims to enhance the clarity, relevance and effectiveness of policy/procedures to better serve our needs in both urban and rural environments.

To support this critical work, we are seeking a group of subject matter experts (SMEs) from across New Zealand to join the Fire Investigations and Reporting Working Group. If you are interested in joining the Working Group, please complete the Expression of Interest form [DOCX, 853 KB] (this downloads the form to your computer) and the Conflict of Interest declaration form(external link) by close of business on Friday 20 September 2024.

What we want from the review and Working Group members

This effort aims to improve the current fire investigation and reporting documents – Policy (POP)(external link), Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)(external link) and Technical Manual (TM)(external link). The Working Group will collaborate with Fire and Emergency representatives and other stakeholders to ensure that the policy meets current standards and future challenges in fire safety and risk reduction.

We are looking for representation from each of the following roles:

  • Specialist Fire Investigator
  • Senior Specialist Fire Investigator
  • Wildfire Investigator
  • Fire Engineer
  • Community Risk Manager
  • Station Officer

Involvement is open to SMEs with relevant skills and a keen interest in contributing to this important review. These SMEs will be chosen for their experience, expertise and training, along with geographical spread.

What we expect from Working Group members

Please note that this is a business-as-usual (BAU) project and meetings will be held on-shift via MS Teams. We expect members of the Working Group to be able to make informed decisions and represent the interests of their relevant role for the review of P3 suite documents.

As a collective, we will edit a provided draft Terms of Reference (ToR) and approve it together. The ToR will ensure that the purpose, function, scope and expectations are clearly defined for members of the Working Group.

How we will work with unions and associations

We are directly inviting unions and associations to nominate a delegate representative for project oversight and consultation through. These delegate representatives will sit alongside SMEs as part of the Working Group. This invitation has been extended to the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union, Public Service Association, United Fire Brigades Association and Fire and Emergency Commanders Association.

Any decisions or actions put forward by the Working Group cannot immediately change the existing Collective Employment Agreements or an individual’s conditions of employment. Any proposed changes to conditions of employment must go through the standard consultation process.

This is a fantastic opportunity to shape the guidelines that impact our operations and community safety. We look forward to your enthusiastic participation in enhancing our current P3 documents.

If you have any questions about this project, please contact or 

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