In mid-December we let our people know that we're now seeking abstract submissions of mahi that reflects the theme of next year's Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council (AFAC) conference - “From local to global: leveraging systems, capability and connection”. 

If you wish to submit an abstract, this needs to be sent to by close of play Friday 17 January 2024. Your abstract will be presented to ELT before being finalised and submitted by Te Ao Mārama in early February. Please do NOT submit your abstract directly to AFAC. 

All information on submitting an abstract can be found here: AFAC25 - call for abstracts(external link)

We have also prepared these handy tips for preparing an AFAC25 abstract. [PDF, 353 KB]

The conference is being held in Perth between 26 to 28 August 2025. Fire and Emergency wants to showcase the high-quality and innovative mahi (work) happening across our organisation and this is a great opportunity to showcase your mahi with people from across the emergency services sector. 

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