Bronto (Tampere, Finland) has finished its work on our five aerial appliances, and they are on their way from Finland to Auckland and Brisbane for the body build phase.

The Type 5 Large and Type 6 appliances are being shipped to R. A. Bell in Brisbane, Australia – they are expected to arrive in mid-September – and the other three, the Type 5 Mediums, will be shipped to Auckland – expected to arrive in early August – then transported to Fraser Engineering in Wellington.

The project team is working with operational personnel at the receiving stations for the appliances to finalise the detailed designs of lockers, layouts, and equipment. The stations are:

  • Auckland (Parnell Station) – Type 5 Large
  • Hamilton (Hamilton City Station) – Type 6
  • Wellington (Thorndon Station), Christchurch (Christchurch City Station) and Dunedin (Dunedin City Station) – 3 x Type 5 Medium

The next step will be an initial meeting with the body builders to go through the details of the builds.

It is important that as we progress through the body build phase, the project maintains strict lines of communication between body builders and the supplier, Global Fire Solutions. This is to ensure details and changes, if required, are captured, recorded, and implemented appropriately. If you have any feedback to provide to the project regarding the builds, please contact either your Region’s Aerial Project Representative (under Reference Group) or the project’s email address


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