What is it?

The current device operating system for Windows is out of date and needs to be updated. The update is a later, supported version of your current Windows operating system. It will have some feature changes, but it will not change your default apps, shortcuts or web browser favourites.

If you are working from home due to COVID19 restrictions, you will receive the update the next time you are in the office. You will not receive it at home.

The update process will run for four weeks. Depending on the network connectivity at your site and how frequently your devices are switched on, the update may apply in the first week or could take up to four weeks.

During the four week period, when you plug your device into the Fire and Emergency cabled network you will receive a prompt (this may not happen immediately on the first day) that advises you that your device is installing software and it will be automatically rebooted after 5pm. 

After your device is updated, you will also receive monthly security patches. This ensures that our devices maintain compliance and are secure.

If you are using a shared device, you might not see a prompt as another staff member may have already updated the device before you logged on. If you do not see a prompt in the two week period, no action is required.

If you have recently received a new device or had your existing one rebuilt by the ICT team, you will already be on the updated version. You will not see a prompt for the update, but you will receive one for the monthly security patches. 

When is it happening?

Monday 8 June 2020 – Monday 8 July 2020

What do I do?

When you receive the install prompt:

  • Continue working as normal.

  • When you leave the office, save your work and log out, or lock your device but make sure it is still plugged into the Fire and Emergency cabled network at your desk and turned on.

  • Your device will automatically reboot after 5pm.

  • You can reboot sooner but the update can take up to 2-3 hours to apply so we do not recommend attempting reboot during working hours.

  • When you come back to the office, log in to your device and check everything is working as expected.

  • If you have to take your device home, you will receive the prompt the next day and can reboot then instead.

  • The update will only occur if you are plugged into the Fire and Emergency cabled network at your desk. If you are connected via Wifi, it will not update.

Need help?

If you experience any issues or have any questions, please contact the Service Desk, your regional IT support team member, or business services coordinator.


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