On 9 June, Russell Wood DCE Organisational Strategy and Capability Development announced the new permanent structure for the ICT directorate.  

This signifies an important step forward for the directorate and marks a considerable milestone, which started with four independent reviews. These were commissioned to ensure the directorate can progress towards the National Strategy, Digital Strategy and 10-year Plan. This work will ensure the directorate is equipped to deliver the needs of Fire and Emergency now and into the future. 

Consultation was opened on the proposed structure in April this year. More than 250 comments were received from 63 individuals, six groups, and two separate unions. Considerable care was taken to ensure we reviewed all feedback and took action where appropriate. That feedback was instrumental in the formation of the final structure.  

The final structure, as well as a summary of the feedback, can be found in the Decision Document on the ICT Strategic Review Portal page. 

The structure contains 122 permanent and fixed-term positions. 48 new positions will be established, while we will disestablish 24 non-vacant positions – 18 of which are held by fixed-term employees, who will be retained for the remainder of their current fixed-term agreement. An additional seven positions will move to the Finance and Business Operations Branch. The final structure sees significant increase in permanent positions in ICT – up to 93% from 60% currently (of permanent and fixed-term staff). The increase in permanent staff will improve staff retention and help ensure the organisation maintains a consistent level of appropriate capability. 

Stand-up of the new structure has been set for Monday 31 October 2022 

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